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miércoles, abril 25, 2007


Les recordamos que hoy estará el ASNO CON BOTAS en San Diego, California y que habrá una bonita protesta en su contra:

Envio esta informacion que me parece un insulto a los mexicanos pero no se puede esperar menos de los que trabajan la linea directamente de la Casa Blanca (Instituto de la Americas) para mangonear a sus contactos en paises de latinoamerica, empezando por Mexico a traves del Ex-embajador de EEUU en Mexico, el senior D. Davidoff.

link: http://www.iamericas.org/events/event.html?eid=2007-0010E&isnw=1

The Institute’s Board will honor Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, at a gala dinner at the US Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 6 PM.

President Fox will be presented the Institute’s Award for Democracy and Peace.

A reception with President Fox for Sponsors, Corporate and Individual patrons will precede the black tie-optional dinner.

The Board of Directors of the Institute of the Americas has chosen President Fox in recognition of his significant contribution to the political development of Mexico. In the words of Institute President Jeffrey Davidow, who served as US ambassador to Mexico during Fox’s first two years in office, “President Fox truly understood that his election represented an end to Mexican presidencialismo, the top-down control of the nation’s political life. This recognition complicated Fox’s ability to govern, but he made Mexico more democratic by giving-up many of the prerogatives of his office. He strengthened the democratic institutions of the country, thus enabling it to withstand challenges emerging from the 2006 elections.”

Este me llego via e-newsletter- no tengo un link

Vicente Fox to be Honored on April 25

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Quesada will be in San Diego on April 25 to receive the Institute of the Americas’Award for Democracy and Peace. The award is given periodically to Latin American leaders who the Institute’s Board of Directors wishes to recognize for distinctive contributions to the region’s political and economic development.

The event will be held at the US Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego, starting at 6 p.m

Estos son los detalles de la protesta que habrá hoy en la tarde:

Vicente Fox, el ex-presidente de Mexico, responsable por masacres de gente indígena en Chiapas, por las desapariciones de participantes en la lucha en Oaxaca y por la negligencia en el caso de las mujeres asesinadas en Juarez y Chihuahua, viene a San Diego el 25 de abril para recibir el "Premio de la Democracia y la Paz", dado por el Instituto de las Americas, una organización derechista que está ubicado en el campus de la Universidad de California de San Diego.

Como la coalición vAPPOroaxaca, creemos que premiar a Fox es un insulto profundo a toda la gente afectada por las grandes violaciones de derechos humanos hechas por su gobierno.

Como respuesta, hacemos una llamada de accion a toda la comunidad de San Diego a participar en la marcha "Fox, NO estás bienvenido!" que empezará a las 6 pm en frente de la estatua de Benito Juarez en Pantoja Park (en el G Street, entre las calles Kettner y State) y terminará en una manifestación en la esquina de 4th y Broadway, frente al hotel US Grant donde Fox recibirá su premio:

Description: Vicente Fox, you're NOT welcome! March in downtown San Diego.

Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico, responsible for the massacres of indigenous people in Chiapas, for the disappearances of participants in the struggle in Oaxaca and for negligence in the case of the murdered women in Juarez and Chihuahua, is coming to San Diego on April 25th to receive the "Award for Democracy and Peace", given by the Americas Institute, a right-wing organization that is located on the UC San Diego campus.

We in the coalition vAPPOroaxaca believe that giving this award to Fox is a grave insult to all people who have been affected by the gross violations of human rights committed by the his administration. As a response, we are making a call to action to the community of San Diego to participate in the march "Fox, you are NOT welcome!" that will start at 6 pm in front of the Benito Juarez statue in Pantoja Park (on G Street in between Kettner and State streets) and end in Horton Plaza in front of the US Grant hotel where Fox will receive his award. Also, there will be a bike bloc that will start at the fountain in Balboa Park at 5 pm and meet up with the march.

If you have any questions, please send an email to vappor-oaxaca@riseup.net

Va a estar buena la protesta. Así que todos los que tengan chance de ir, vayan. Ah, y estén pendientes en Los Angeles y Pasandena por que ya se planean algunas bonitas acciones de repudio contra Margarita Zavala, quien estará por allá mañana y el viernes.

Una razón más para apoyar al peje en el 2007.

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