LOS PRODUCTOS DEL BOICOT ¡NO LOS CONSUMAS!: Bimbo , Sabritas , Jumex , Pepsi, Gamesa , Televisa (televisión y revistas), TV Azteca , Milenio (Diario y Semanal), Banamex , Maseca , COPARMEX , Coca-Cola , Wal-Mart , Bachoco , Megacable , Farmacias Similares , M&M's , Kimberly Klark , Burger King , grupo ALSEA , Autobuses Estrella Blanca . Más en este link.

lunes, diciembre 18, 2006


Welcome! Although senderodelpeje.com is actually in Spanish (Sendero del Peje, by the way, means Peje's Path), we've made this section for English speaking fans of documentary films. Specifically, this section is for showing you my first feature-length documentary Legitimate President (Presidente Legítimo in Spanish). The documentary is in Spanish with English subtitles.

The movie is about the final days of the protest camps against the electoral fraud of 2006 in the presidential elections in Mexico. It shows how the people of Mexico decided to defy the right-wing and declare left-wing candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as Legitimate President of Mexico. (Lopez Obrador, by the way, has been called "the un-Gore" by journalist Greg Palast because, unlike Al Gore in 2000, Lopez Obrador did not simply conceeded after the election was stolen from him; he fought back and he continues to fight to restore democracy in Mexico.)

Here is the movie in google video format. Just click on the play button and you can see the entire movie online:



We would like to continue making documentaries about the struggle to defend democracy from the right-wing in Mexico and bring them to you for free. But we can only do this with your financial support. We're not a company. We're not even a studio. AND we don't even have any government or political party support (in fact we'd rather NOT have anything to do with governments or political parties.) We're just independent filmmakers who own a couple of obsolete standard definition cameras (this documentary you just saw was made with a Canon XL2 standard definition camera and an old handheld mini-dv camera) and not much else. We believe it is possible to make a strong movie without spending millions and we believe it is important to release it for free so as many people as possible can see it. But we need your support in order to do it. You can support our projects by doing any of the following:

Since we don't have the budget to make t-shirts and other items, we decided to go with cafepress.com and make some items that you can purchase. You can purchase:

A t-shirt

click to buy

A mug

click to buy

A button

click to buy

A refrigerator magnet

click to buy

A bumper sticker

click to buy

You can also buy my book from amazon.com (it's in Spanish, though):

Or buy anything else on amazon.com (they give us 4% of each purchase):

Or just plain donate to our amazon.com donations account at the following link:

In case you're wondering what we have in mind for our future projects, here's a small preview. Hopefully, with your support, we'll be able to turn them into feature length movies and make them available online for free:

More videos related to the Peaceful Civil Resistance against the electoral fraud in Mexico:

(Video by Mariana Guerra. Spanish language.)

(EXPLANATION: Wal-Mart, along with a subsidiary of Pepsico and other American and Mexican brands, were part of the electoral fraud in Mexico. In the case of Wal-Mart, the retailer scared its workers in Mexico by telling them that if Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador were to become president, they would lose their jobs. As a response to this, the resistance took ALL of the Wal-Marts in Mexico City simultaneously, forcing them to close for hours. What you see in this video took place at every single Wal-Mart in Mexico City.)

(Video by Victor Hernandez. Spanish Language.

(Explanation: The Sanborn's restaurant and department store chain in Mexico is owned by Mexican billinaire Carlos Slim. Slim, who is the third richest man in the world, and one of the biggest beneficiaries from a right-wing government in Mexico, called the resistance movement against the electoral fraud "kafkian" (as in Kafka's Metamorphosis), so the resistance decided to pay a visit to the Sanborn's chain most emblematic restaurant; the historic "Tiles" Sanborn's near Mexico City's main plaza. For two reasons; to answer to Slim's comment and tell him HE is the kafkian cockroach, and to show that right-wing president Felipe Calderon is his puppet.)

For questions please e-mail me at senderodelpeje@toliro.cjb.net

For future updates (although we can't say for sure when we'll have our next update) please subscribe to our coollist.com mailing list. Simply go to http://www.coollist.com/subscribe.html and subscribe to list ID "senderodelpejefilms".

Victor Hernandez