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jueves, noviembre 01, 2007


(NOTA: Por su importancia, este post permanecerá hasta arriba en el blog hasta medio dia)

Un lector del blog fue a preguntar por el trailer de FRAUDE: México 2006 a varios cines de la cadena Cinépolis en Puebla. En uno de estos cines le dieron la siguiente lista de películas en las que se estaba proyectando el trailer:

El trailer se está proyectando literlmente en películas que ya van de salida y que, por consiguiente, casi nadie ve.

No se le da el mismo trato a Beowulf, un churrazo animado de Robert Zemeckis del cual están poniendo trailers en varias películas independientemente de género e idioma. Vaya, igual la pusieron con "El Reino" que con "La Santa Muerte" y con otras películas.

La explicación para el trato preferencial a Beowuf tal vez se explique por el hecho de que IMAX va a sacar a la par con el estreno en pantallas regulares la versión de Beowulf en IMAX-3D. OBVIAMENTE para IMAX, que es socio comercial de Cinépolis, es negocio que la gente vea la película en sus pantallas--aunque sea un churrazo.

Dato curioso: Beowulf se estrena en cines en Estados Unidos el 16 de Noviembre.

Total que en vista de que así es como nos están tratando como consumidores, propongo entonces lo siguiente:

1. Denle click a la imagen de la lista de películas que aparece en este post y guárdenla en el disco duro.

2. Hagan lo mismo con las imágenes de la promoción ciudadana de FRAUDE que posteó ayer Diógenes. Estas:

3. Escriban un e-mail a las siguientes direcciones de e-mail:


4. Añádanle al e-mail la imagen de la lista de películas y las fotos de Diógenes.

Este es el e-mail, que va dirigido a IMAX. Usen por favor el título "NO BEOWULF ON IMAX 3-D FOR ME":

IMAX Corporation,

Recently I wrote to you reporting what appeared to be a censorship strategy by your Mexican business parner Cinepolis. This apparent strategy seemingly consisted in either not playing the trailer for the political documentary FRAUDE: Mexico 2006, which shows the evidence of the electoral fraud perpetrated by Felipe Calderon in the presidential elections of 2006 in Mexico, or show it, but only in movies with reduced audiences--thus minimizing the audience's exposure to the trailer and, therefore, harming the movie's chances for success at the box office, which in turn would mean a limited viewing of the evidence of the fraud in Mexico.

To prove that the reports of this strategy are true, I have attached to this e-mail a copy of a recent trailer roster for movies at a Cinepolis picked at random (in this case for Cinepolis Boulevard in the city of Puebla). The trailer for FRAUDE is listed to play only on movies that are on their way out and therefore to a very reduced audience.

Should you not be able to download the attachment, you can also view it online at the following URL:


According to that same list, the trailer for Beowulf is being played in quite a few movies regardless of language or theme--which would debunk the idea that Cinepolis only plays Mexican movies with other Mexican movies because of similar thematics.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't IMAX supposed to release an IMAX 3-D version of Robert Zemeckis's Beowulf on November 16? That is, on the same weekend FRUDE: Mexico 2006 is to open in theaters nation-wide in Mexico?

Well, that's going to be a shame, because, you see, when it was clear to many people throughout Mexico that Cinepolis was apparently trying to keep the exposure of the trailer for FRAUDE to a minimum--one would guess because of Cinepolis's owner Alejandro Ramirez's claim that he's a close friend of Felipe Calderon--many people throughout Mexico decided to go out to the streets and promote FRAUDE: Mexico 2006 by themselves, talking to people directly about it, and telling them why they had no choice but to do this grassroots promoting: because there was an apparent attempt at censoring the movie.

Attached you will find three images of people who went ahead and decided to promote the movie by themselves (UNPAID, by the way, and without the studio even knowing they were doing this). Should you have problems downloading the attachments, please view them by following these links:


The people doing this, as I said, are doing it it UNPAID, often making flyers by themselves and paying them out of theiw own pocket. These are people who are simply fed up with the censorship in Mexico and who want nothing more than being able to see the truth about what took place in the Mexican presidential election of 2006 on a mass scale. THAT is what has been denied to the Mexican audience since last year.

Make no mistake about this: people WILL tell others why is the trailer for FRAUDE being virtually hidden from view. People will also tell others who are the business partners of the ones responsible for this attack on freedom of expression. And more than likely people will simply boicot those who want to keep them as consumers from being able to pay a ticket in ordert to see the evidence of the fraud that put Alejandro Ramirez's friend, Felipe Calderon, in an office that he did not win.

Now let me put it this way: over 15 million people in Mexico who did NOT vote for Calderon want to see FRAUDE. Do you REALLY expect them to pay to see Beowulf in IMAX 3-D if they realize IMAX's business partner is only playing the trailer for FRAUDE on movies that nobody is watching?

What a shame that a Canadian company is actually facing a situation in which they could do something significant to defend freedom of speech but, apparently, they'd rather make money than make a difference.

As for me, I too will go to the streets of Mexico and promote FRAUDE. And I WILL tell people the exact same thing I just told you. I'm simply fed up with what reeks like an attempt at keeping the truth from reaching the public. As consumers I think we deserve better than the treatment we're getting.

Oh, and no; NO Beowulf on IMAX 3-D for me. For that matter, maybe not even on theaters at all. At least not in those collaborating with virtual censorship strategy.


Todos a enviar el e-mail. Que les quede claro que la gente ya se hartó de esta situación en la que la censura se cambió por el virtual escondite.

Una razón más para apoyar al peje en el 2007.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

aLo, solo para avisar que familia de Tijuana me aviso que ayer fue al cine (Cinemastar) y que no pasaron el trailer ni vieron carteLes, fueron a la peLi de 1408.

Anónimo dijo...

Victor, en mi casa como en muchísimas más, recibimos frecuentemente llamadas telefónicas ofreciéndonos servicios de bancos, Telmex, etc. Lo que yo hago es promover la película con los telefonistas. Es una forma de desquitarme por lo molestas que resultan. También se les puede informar un poco del FOBAPROA, la cartera vencida y esas cosas.