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viernes, mayo 25, 2007


DE LA REGION LAGUNERA ME ENVIAN ESTE ARTICULO que nos describe el terror del PELELE para andar en el "país que dice gobernar". Que diferencia para con Nuestro Presidente Legitimo, que jornada tras jornada es de la gente, un hombre entre los hombres. Que diferencia con el MONIGOTE que estuvo en la región lagunera en estos días.

Un gran despliegue, una corta visita del presidente
nota original

Por: DIANA GONZÁLEZ| EL SIGLO DE TORREÓN - 25 de may de 2007.

GÓMEZ PALACIO, DGO.- El paisaje llano y árido de la carretera a Jabonoso se viste de verde militar. Es la primera vez que el presidente de la Republica, Felipe Calderón, visita La Laguna para inaugurar una obra y no para asistir como invitado a eventos sociales. Tan sólo en el primer retén hay cerca de 40 elementos de las Fuerzas Federales de Apoyo y de la Sedena, es el primero de otros seis puntos de revisión ordenados por el Estado Mayor Presidencial.

En medio de un fuerte dispositivo de seguridad fue inaugurada por el presidente Calderón la presa El Tigre.

Más de 700 personas, entre funcionarios (en su mayoría panistas) y grupos de ejidatarios, previamente seleccionados -varios con camisetas del candidato del PAN a la alcaldía de Gómez Palacio, Augusto Ávalos-, aguardan su llegada a la inauguración de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales.

Hay contrastes. Mientras en el primer punto de revisión las fuerzas federales inspeccionan asientos y cajuelas de los vehículos que transitan por la carretera, los soldados, miembros de la DEI y policías preventivos que aguardan por un costado del canal de Sacramento, parecen relajados, yacen en el suelo a la sombra de los matorrales con las manos entrelazadas bajo la nuca, otros dormitan en sus unidades, unos más forman corrillos de charla.

Más tarde, elementos de las Fuerzas Federales de Apoyo retienen durante casi media hora a la escolta del alcalde de Gómez Palacio, Octaviano Rendón Arce, por traer armas largas.

Minutos después, más de 70 chivas invaden la carretera y justo frente a los soldados comienzan a pastar; nerviosas corren hacia los toldos donde se entregan las acreditaciones para medios de comunicación haciendo caso omiso a las órdenes de su pastor.

En el estacionamiento, la prevención incluye la revisión de varones y el paso por tres detectores de metales que conducen a un camino acordonado y paralelo a la malla que rodea el área donde estarán los invitados. Hay también 4 unidades de la Policía Federal Preventiva.

La movilización de agentes y el sonido de hélices anuncian la llegada de Calderón, quien desciende de uno de los cinco helicópteros a la una de la tarde. El presidente saluda a todos, evade a los medios de comunicación, pero soporta a las amas de casa que no tienen pudor alguno en apresurar el apretón de manos y besarle las mejillas.

En el presídium, el gobernador de Durango Ismael Hernández Deras, (vestido muy similar a Calderón) le da la bienvenida, mientras Rendón aprovecha para quitarse la cachucha azul que traía puesta.

Todo centro y derecha del público presente está conformado en su mayoría por funcionarios panistas de Torreón, Gómez y Lerdo y una pequeña parte de gente que trabaja para el Gobierno del Estado. También hay vecinos del ejido El Quemado, ubicado a 20 kilómetros del lugar, a quienes se les proporcionó un camión para asistir al evento, según el ejidatario Santos Cabrera.

De pronto, tres familias se acercan y piden al presidente de la República atención en el caso de sus hijos secuestrados.

Finalmente, a las dos de la tarde se marcha Calderón y con él quienes integran el operativo de seguridad, en minutos los soldados abordan los autobuses despejando las carreteras y se marchan poniendo fin a una larga jornada.

este tema ya lo habíamos tratado ampliamente en el blog, sin embargo hay que darle voz a las nuevas noticias al respecto que vayan surgiendo, los ciudadanos informados son los que pueden dar la pauta de defensa de la libertad de expresión. En esta nueva editorial se menciona que es dinero de los norteamericanos el que pagara el nuevo sistema de escuchas privadas en correo electrónico y teléfonos, así que FECAL esta buscando entregarle a los gringos el control del país, un país que no gobierna, un país que no lo quiere. UN TRAIDOR A LA PATRIA, NI MAS NI MENOS.

Mexico to boost tapping of phones and e-mail with U.S. aid
Calderon is seeking to expand monitoring of drug gangs; Washington also may have access to the data.
By Sam Enriquez, Times Staff Writer
May 25, 2007

nota original en ingles
- LA PLAZA: News, observations and links about Latin America from Times correspondents
MEXICO CITY — Mexico is expanding its ability to tap telephone calls and e-mail using money from the U.S. government, a move that underlines how the country's conservative government is increasingly willing to cooperate with the United States on law enforcement.

The expansion comes as President Felipe Calderon is pushing to amend the Mexican Constitution to allow officials to tap phones without a judge's approval in some cases. Calderon argues that the government needs the authority to combat drug gangs, which have killed hundreds of people this year.

Mexican authorities for years have been able to wiretap most telephone conversations and tap into e-mail, but the new $3-million Communications Intercept System being installed by Mexico's Federal Investigative Agency will expand their reach.

The system will allow authorities to track cellphone users as they travel, according to contract specifications. It includes extensive storage capacity and will allow authorities to identify callers by voice. The system, scheduled to begin operation this month, was paid for by the U.S. State Department and sold by Verint Systems Inc., a politically well-connected firm based in Melville, N.Y., that specializes in electronic surveillance.

Although information about the system is publicly available, the matter has drawn little attention so far in the United States or Mexico. The modernization program is described in U.S. government documents, including the contract specifications, reviewed by The Times.

They suggest that Washington could have access to information derived from the surveillance. Officials of both governments declined to comment on that possibility.

"It is a government of Mexico operation funded by the U.S.," said Susan Pittman, of the State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. Queries should be directed to the Mexican government, she said.

Calderon's office declined to comment.

But the contract specifications say the system is designed to allow both governments to "disseminate timely and accurate, actionable information to each country's respective federal, state, local, private and international partners."

Calderon has been lobbying for more authority to use electronic surveillance against drug violence, which has threatened his ability to govern. Despite federal troops posted in nine Mexican states, the violence continues as rival smugglers fight over shipping routes to the U.S.-Mexico border, as well as for control of Mexican port cities and inland marijuana and poppy growing regions.

Nonetheless, the prospect of U.S. involvement in surveillance could be extremely sensitive in Mexico, where the United States historically has been viewed by many as a bullying and intrusive neighbor. U.S. government agents working in Mexico maintain a low profile to spare their government hosts any political fallout.

It's unclear how broad a net the new surveillance system will cast: Mexicans speak regularly by phone, for example, with millions of relatives living in the U.S. Those conversations appear to be fair game for both governments.

Legal experts say that prosecutors with access to Mexican wiretaps could use the information in U.S. courts. U.S. Supreme Court decisions have held that 4th Amendment protections against illegal wiretaps do not apply outside the United States, particularly if the surveillance is conducted by another country, Georgetown University law professor David Cole said.

Mexico's telecommunications monopoly, Telmex, controlled by Carlos Slim Helu, the world's second-wealthiest individual, has not received official notice of the new system, which will intercept its electronic signals, a spokeswoman said this week.

"Telmex is a firm that always complies with laws and rules set by the Mexican government," she said.

Calderon recently asked Mexico's Congress to amend the country's constitution and allow federal prosecutors free rein to conduct searches and secretly record conversations among people suspected of what the government defines as serious crimes.

His proposal would eliminate the current legal requirement that prosecutors gain approval from a judge before installing any wiretap, the vetting process that will for now govern use of the new system's intercepts. Calderon says the legal changes are needed to turn the tide in the battle against the drug gangs.

"The purpose is to create swift investigative measures against organized crime," Calderon wrote senators when introducing his proposed constitutional amendments in March. "At times, turning to judicial authorities hinders or makes investigations impossible."

But others argued that the proposed changes would undermine constitutional protections and open the door to the type of domestic spying that has plagued many Latin American countries. Colombian President Alvaro Uribe last week ousted a dozen generals, including the head of intelligence, after police were found to be wiretapping public figures, including members of his government.

"Calderon's proposal is limited to 'urgent cases' and organized crime, but the problem is that when the judiciary has been put out of the loop, the attorney general can basically decide these however he wants to," said John Ackerman, a law professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. "Without the intervention of a judge, the door swings wide open to widespread abuse of basic civil liberties."

The proposal is being considered by a panel of the Mexican Senate. It is strongly opposed by members of the leftist Democratic Revolution Party. Members of Calderon's National Action Party have been lobbying senators from the former ruling party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party, for support.

Renato Sales, a former deputy prosecutor for Mexico City, said Calderon's desire to expand federal policing powers to combat organized crime was parallel to the Bush administration's use of a secret wiretapping program to fight terrorism.

"Suddenly anyone suspected of organized crime is presumed guilty and treated as someone without any constitutional rights," said Sales, now a law professor at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico. "And who will determine who is an organized crime suspect? The state will."

Federal lawmaker Cesar Octavio Camacho, president of the justice and human rights commission in the lower house of Congress, said he too worried about prosecutorial abuse.

"Although the proposal stems from the president's noble intention of efficiently fighting organized crime," he said, "the remedy seems worse than the problem."



Carlos Martínez and Cecilia Sánchez of The Times' Mexico City Bureau and Times staff writer Henry Weinstein in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

NOTA: Aunque aqui se muestran procupados de que el gobierno gringo pretenda usar las escuchas a que tendra acceso para casos judiciales dentro de Norteamerica, el problema se plantea peor que la enfermedad, ya que el gobierno del PELELE terminara decidiendo , sin la menor pena, quien es peligroso para el pais, el fascismo asentaria sus reales, y claro, el FBI estaria encantado de poder tener una oficina de escuchas fuera del territorio gringo y con plena complicidad del ESPURIO, y algunos legisladores del PRI que estarian encantados de conseguir alguna otra gobernatura a cambio de ser TRAIDORES A MEXICO.


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